
About Baker Pacific

Baker Pacific specializes in corporate development strategy and M&A transactions for technology companies.

Baker Pacific is especially well-suited for situations where a company finds itself contemplating or facing a significant transaction (such as a sale of the company or an acquisition) and needs additional expertise and bandwidth to be successful.

Baker Pacific's philosophy is not to just do deals, but to do the right deals. Its orientation reflects the impartiality and deeper industry understanding of an internal strategy and corporate development executive, as opposed to a transaction-oriented outside advisor. Baker Pacific is not afraid to advise against doing a deal.

Baker Pacific's primary focus areas are:

Latest News

Baker Pacific advises Krypton on acquisition by Splunk. Read More >

Baker Pacific advises RenWeb on acquisition by FACTS Management. Read More >

Baker Pacific in the Financial Times: How board directors can help cool 'deal heat' Read More >

Executive Overview

Baker Pacific Executive Overview. Read More >

Recent Blog Posts

Is there an optimal size acquisition, either on an absolute basis or relative to the size of the acquirer? Read More >

Who can a CEO trust during an M&A deal, and how should the opinions received be filtered? Read More >